
"Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.
Withering my intuition leaving opportunities behind...
Feed my will to feel this moment, urging me to cross the line.
Reaching out to embrace the random.
Reaching out to embrace whatever may come" -Tool

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Today I reflect upon the past two years of my life, as I have officially completed my Masters degree and assistantship. I began this journey two years ago, not quite knowing what to expect. It turned out to be an amazing two years of personal growth and accomplishment. I experienced so much in the past two years. For the first time I lived on my own, minus a few months of temporary roommate fiasco, and loved it! I got a wonderful kitty who has been great company. I had some interesting relationships...Oh the stories! I got my first tattoo, went to Europe, and became vegan! I completed a thesis on sleep and obesity, an independent study on veganism, and taught nearly 200 students basic nutrition. I have gotten in the best shape of my life with lots of stretching, walking/running, and weights. I have begun the process of learning to listen to my body, leaving behind disordered eating and disconnect between my mind and body. I have learned to embrace life! Here's to the next chapter in my life....

Monday, May 10, 2010

Inner peace and acceptance

I am beginning to realize the importance of finding inner peace and self acceptance. It seems like I used to do a lot of things in order to please others and impress others. It's like I was living outside my body and not being in tune with what I need or who I am. I thought I had to look a certain way, say something in particular, or act a certain way in order to have someone's acceptance and approval. I would modify my looks or thoughts for the sake of others. This is no way to live my life. Of course, I want to make others happy and I do not want to be selfish, but I absolutely have to do, say, and act in such a way that is best for me. I need to accept and embrace myself for who I am and not feel the need to change for anyone! Accepting my body, thoughts, and actions as uniquely me is important. I need to embrace who I am, be confident in me, accept all my pros and cons, and find inner peace with myself. If I act in such a way that I accept deep down as good for me and good for others, then I am I will be truly happy.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Oh She Glows » Blog Archive » Banana Pancake Sandwich

Oh She Glows » Blog Archive » Banana Pancake Sandwich: "When I was young, I thought confidence could be earned with perfection. Now I know that you don’t earn it; you claim it. And you do that by loving the wacky, endlessly optimistic, enthusiastically uninhibited free spirit that is the essence of style, the quintessence of heart, and uniquely YOU.” ~ Cecelie Berry, writer"

Its not about perfection

I am so inspired right now, as I have just read reflections from other bloggers like me. I am currently striving to be the healthiest, happiest, most confident, purest person I can be. I am doing so by embracing the vegan diet, exercising, listening to my body, and trying not to be so obsessive with calorie counting and perfection. On blogger mentioned a quote that confidence is not gained with perfection, but rather claimed in the moment for being uniquely you. I love that...perfection is impossible to achieve and if I wait to feel confident till then, then I will never be satisfied. I need to embrace who I am now, my strengths and weaknesses, and feel worthy of being confident in myself now! I also related to another blogger who spoke of listening to own's body when it comes to refueling after exercise. This is so relevant to me right now, as I have started to workout more, and have had to evenings of endless hunger and eating. I should have listened to my body throughout the day and given it the nourishment it needed, so that I would not turn into the cookie monster at night. Oh well, making mistakes is humbling and reminds me of what I am striving for. Living in the moment, being pure, and listening to my body.