
"Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.
Withering my intuition leaving opportunities behind...
Feed my will to feel this moment, urging me to cross the line.
Reaching out to embrace the random.
Reaching out to embrace whatever may come" -Tool

Friday, December 16, 2011


There have been some good, healthy, unique, tastey eats over the past few days.  Thought I would share!  Sorry for my lack of pictures of the concoctions I made, it sure would make this post look amazing.  However, I added some product pictures used in the concoctions that I highly reccommend!

Green Monster bowls with oats!!!  Hello! These are amazing.  In the green soupy mix...frozen banana, spinach, avacodo or pumpkin, nut butter, coconut butter, oikos nonfat greek yogurt plain, almond milk, sprinkle of spice, ice.  Top with my favorite granola...Galaxy granola!
Lunch: Omelets with sauteed onion, pepper, apples (yes I said apples, thinly smally sliced), arugula, tomato, organic cheese...yum!
Snack: Can't beat a fruit roll-up with strawberries, justins chocolate almond butter and whole wheat wrap. Reminded me of a donut!


Another Snack:  Rice chex mix, mixed nuts, and garbanzo beans, baked with olive oil, worshashire sauce, organic sugar, salt, garlic, and onion powder.   Bake at 350*F for 30ish minutes and you've got a party!!!!

Dinner:  One of my new favorites!!!!  Sauteed onion, mushroom, arugula, and tempeh and roasted butternut squash atop fresh greens with raspberry dressing.  Hell ya!
Dessert:  Heelllooo awesome, healthy brownies!  Thank you rapunzel organic sugar.  It went something like this...One cup sugar, one cup spelt, 1/2 cup cocoa, pinch of salt.  1/4 cup coconut oil, 1/4 cup pumpkin, pinch of vanilla, 2 eggs.  Bake at 375 for 22 min.  Amazing...and the sugar is amazing its unrefined and contains a heafty amount of iron.  Hey think that maybe we crave sweets, especially around that special time, because our body craves iron? It make sense that natural sugar is full of iron and thus, we inately crave it cause we really do need it (the iron that is).  Sucks that most things with sugar these days have the refined sugar with absolutely no nutritive value, only an addictive substance that unfullfills our needs.  Maybe if we stick to the real stuff, we get our iron and sweet fix, and we get satisfied off of a nicely sized square rather than the entire square pan.  Just a thought.  
EAT REAL FOOD....the refined stuff really messes us up!

Another great dessert:  REAL wine....if you can get your hands on this, I highly reccommed it!  Maynard you are beyond genious!


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